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Childrens’ camping assistance is a benefit provided to support children living in families in need in participating in communal activities and improvement of competencies by contributing to the expenses of camping.

Conditions of eligibility:

Children enrolled in primary-level education may receive camping assistance on the condition that the monthly income per capita in the family caring for the child does not exceed 67,000 HUF,

or, for children with special needs, does not exceed 77,500 HUF, as well as

the family not being in the possession of assets as set forth in the Child Protection Act.

Camping assistance may be provided for the purposes of contributing towards the costs of open-air school camps, of camps organised by the Center for Family Services and Child Welfare and of miscellaneous summer camps.

The amount of assistance shall be 80 percent of the camp’s costs but at most 30,000 HUF per annum.


The completed form with the required instruments shall be submitted to the Welfare Office (Népjóléti Iroda).
Hours of operation of the Welfare Office: 1126 Budapest, Böszörményi út 20., floor 2

Monday: 13:00-17:30
Tuesday: closed to the public
Wednesday: 8:00-16:00
Thursday: closed to the public
Friday: 8:00-12:00

Required documents

The application form is available at the Welfare Office during hours of operation. Instruments certifying the income of the applicant or applying family and a certificate on the camp’s theme and costs shall be attached to the application.

Payment information

No duties charged.