Hegyvidék Sports Centre
Since its establishment in 2013, the Hegyvidék Recreational Non-Profit Ltd (Hegyvidéki Szabadidősport Nonprofit Kft) has been carrying out public tasks related to sports. Its mission as a non-profit sports organization is to cater at the highest possible level to the sporting needs of residents and those working and studying here, and to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity and an active lifestyle.Address: 1122 Budapest, Városmajor u. 29.
Phone number: +36 1 212-2945
E-mail: info@hegyvideksport.hu
Web: http://hegyvideksport.hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hegyvidekisport/
Managing director: Mónika Móczán
E-mail: moczan.monika@hegyvideksport.hu
Operator: Hegyvidéki Szabadidősport Nonprofit Kft.