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Exhibitions in the Hegyvidék

The newest exhibition of the Hegyvidék Gallery (10 Királyhágó Sqr.) entitled Artists on the battlefield can be visited until 22 May, focusing on the works of painters László Mednyánszky (1852-1919) and István Nagy (1873-1937) during the First World War. In Villa Barabás (44 Városmajor St.) until 23 May, the exhibition ’Feel’ features abstract, mixed-technique works by Stockholm-born Cedric Af Geijersstam. Sarolta Gerzson's photo exhibition entitled "Who looks into the blue sky" can be viewed from 11 May to 14 June in the Jókai Club (5 Hollós Rd.), while graphic artist Károly Pató will present his works from 7 May to 14 June in the corridor gallery on the first floor of the mayor's office (23-25 Böszörményi Rd).