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Actual news from Hegyvidék

The Cogwheel train restarts. After a half-year stoppage, the Cogwheel train will be running again from April 1. The weekday schedule of route 60 will not change, the TeleFogas system introduced last year will remain in place early in the morning and late at night. This means that the shuttle will only start if a previously notified travel request is received. On weekends, the trains will run every 15 minutes during the day, but if there is a greater traffic, the Budapest Transport Center will increase the frequency of the service. Those who want to travel with the Zugligeti Libego in addition to the newly launched cogwheel, should know that the cable car will not be running from April 17-28 due to maintenance work.


Get ahead of the cogwheel train! Organized by the Hegyvidéki Szabadidősport Nonprofit Kft., on Saturday, April 15, we can start again, running individually or in a relay team, and ahead of them by bicycle - uphill! – the cogwheel train. At a distance of about 4 kilometers from the Diós árok, a 325-meter difference in level must be overcome. Tour competitions also start from the Zugliget Primary School (the distance is approx. 7 km), as well as with the participation of XII. district kindergarteners from the upper terminus of the cogwheel (the distance is approx. 2 km). You can enter the races at the starting locations, no later than 30 minutes before the start. Pre-registration is possible online at until April 11.


A new machine cleans the sidewalks. The Hegyvidéki Municipality put a new pavement cleaning machine into operation. Although it is the responsibility of condominiums and shops to keep the sidewalks clean according to the capital's decree, the municipality helps them in the lower, densely populated part of the district, as there is much more pedestrian traffic here than in the garden areas. The cleaning machine works in the area bounded by Böszörményi Rd., Kék Golyó St., Jagelló Rd., Alkotás St., and Avar St. The modern, multi-functional device covers the entire area in one week, cleaning around 20,000 square meters of pavement in that time.


Green waste collection. With the arrival of spring, the garden green waste collection flights also started in the capital. In the XII. district, once a week, on Fridays, green waste placed in bags with the FKF logo and the inscription "Garden green waste collection bag" is delivered to the Employees of the FKF Waste Management Division. The green waste collected in this way (wood and bush clippings, grass clippings, weeds) instead of being sent to an incinerator or a landfill, is returned to nature's cycle after composting.


Lent and Easter crafts, animal petting, tasting of Swabian pastries, as well as a live musical interactive game by Búgócsiga Zenede await families on Saturday, April 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Szent László Community Center (2 Cédrus St.) in Svábhegy. The program will be held at 10 a.m., which will open by the dance production of the XII. district's German kindergarteners and schoolchildren.


The MOMkult is back. The reopening of the MOM Cultural Center (18 Csörsz St.) on April 1st has been highly anticipated, this is indicated by the fact that all the tickets for many programs have already been sold out. However, it was still possible to reserve a seat for some performances at the time of closing. On April 4, from 7 p.m., John Waters' stand-up show, End of the World, can be heard in English. On April 7 from 8 p.m., Soharóza and Jónás Vera Experiment will perform with their joint musical production Back-Pack, and on April 10 from 7 p.m., singer and guitarist András Lovasi will perform a selection of songs from more than 35 years in his joint concert with his multi-instrumentalist musicians.